Blog - Bowling Education — Growth

CP3 PBA Celebrity Invitational

Posted by CtD Staffing on

Dustin Zehner Every year the PBA puts together a charity bowling event in partnership with the Chris Paul Family Foundation. The event has current and former athletes, TV personalities, and music artists. These celebrities are paired with professional bowlers to compete in a 6 frame baker match. The winner is determined through a bracket style format. Now that Creating the Difference is product registered, the team and I were lucky enough to attend the event. Although Creating the Difference has attended the event in the past, this is the first PBA event we have attended since becoming product registered. As...

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Bowling for Beginners - TIMING Education is Creating The Difference

Posted by CtD Staffing on

Bowling is a fun sport that almost anyone can participate in.  Once you decide to start getting competitive, there will be a lot of new terms thrown at you.   One of those is TIMING.  Timing is in reference to getting your steps and your swing in sync with each other to create a more repeatable shot. Repeating shots is the key to higher scores. If you're just starting to bowl, you should use a 4 step approach. This means you will take 4 steps to get to the foul line and release the ball. The key to proper timing is to...

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4 Keys to Improving Your Bowling Game

Posted by CtD Staffing on

By Ali Strader Whether you're bowling in a competitive league or a fun league, high scores always make you feel better.  "High scores" is a relative term.  For me, shooting 150 makes me content.  To more experienced bowlers, that's not a good score at all.  I always laugh when a good bowler strikes and then walks away with a disappointed face because the strike wasn't good enough.  For me, a pretty strike counts the same as an ugly one.  From my short experience in bowling, I would like to share a few of my keys to improving your bowling game. Have...

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