That Purple Stuff | Bowling Ball Cleaner

Regular price $ 14.99

Bowling balls get dirty. It's a fact of the game. Why pay someone else to clean your bowling ball when you can do it yourself? That Purple Stuff was is a specially formulated bowling ball cleaner that will help any bowler keep their equipment performing great. Simply apply to a CtD Power Pad and wipe the entire surface of the bowling ball to remove the dirt and oil.

Tired of leaving that flat 10 pin?  This bowling ball cleaner will bring back the tackiness your bowling ball had when it was new.  You'll get the reaction you need to stop leaving corner pins.  

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Customer Reviews

Based on 33 reviews
Ricky Ealy
Purple is the new Green

This stuff is money honey! I would say to the nay sayers " Yah don't know what you are missing " This leaves my balls with the tackiness that I like and my coverstock looks so clean very good investment .

Jeannette Porter

Love it from the beginning

John Pawley
Purple stuff

I have always used it and will use it it cleans the balls from any film
Thanks again j p

Sean Klimek
Love this Purple stuff

If you are looking to keep the same consistency with your ball motion and keep you ball clean at the same time I highly recommend the Purple Stuff!

Chris Carnahan
Purple stuff

I have used a number of different bowling ball cleaners and none stack up against Purple Stuff. It cuts the oil and grime right off the ball. Please try it.