Blog - Bowling Education — Life Tips

5 Parenting Tips for Junior Gold

Posted by CtD Staffing on

With Junior Gold on the horizon, we decided it was important to share some parent tips.  We put a lot of focus on tips for the kids to succeed: Make your spares Stay positive Smile after each shot - Good OR Bad Follow through Concentrate ...the list goes on and on.  But what we DON’T talk about is what we can do to support our players.  Here are a few things to help your bowler succeed at Junior Gold. Don’t Yell At Your Kid As parents, we have a tendency to treat sporting events as if they are life or...

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The Power of Positive

Posted by Ronald Hickland on

Today we are going to talk about being positive.  This is something that can be used both in bowling and in life.  Here at Creating the Difference, we are always striving for growth. We do this through reading and/or listening to audiobooks as well as finding inspiring people to follow on social media. Realistic Positivity One of the vlogs we follow recently did a video about realistic positivity.  I think the "realistic" part there is what some people forget.  No one has a life full of rainbows and sunshine.  It's how we react to the thunderstorms and clouds which sets...

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Words to Live By

Posted by Ronald Hickland on

How we communicate with people can often determine their perception of us.  Do you want to be perceived as confident and positive or insecure and negative?  Here are a few words to avoid in your day to day to communicate in a more positive light. There is No Try This is something we train our staff on from the beginning.  When you “try” to do something, you are giving yourself an out before you even begin.  When I first learned this, here is how it was explained to me by my boss: If I tell you I’m going to try...

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It's Not How Much You Make, It's How Much You Spend

Posted by Ronald Hickland on

At Creating the Difference we like educating people. Most of the time, we educate about bowling.  However, we decided to create a blog which focuses on creating a difference in your life -- not just your bowling game. In this blog I want to talk about money and why you should keep track of it. I recently had a conversation with my Bowling Store team about money. I explained to them that if you can learn to take a big picture approach to spending money, it can really save you money in the long term. One employee asked to purchase...

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