Blog - Creating the Difference Product Education — Products
Guide to Surface with TruCut
Posted by CtD Staffing on
How to Use Creating The Difference Products
Posted by Ronald Hickland on
The questions we get asked all the time are, "How do we use this stuff?" and "When do we use it?" If you like to watch video, check out this video. If you're a reader, scroll down and we explain it in words. Effective August 2019, USBC only allows cleaning products to be used before and after bowling. Any products that were previously approved for anytime use automatically switched to before and after use only. However, in March of 2020, USBC made a temporary rule change in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19. This temporary rule change allows...
TruCut by CtD A Sanding Pad Made For Bowling Balls
Posted by Ronald Hickland on
Click Here to Purchase TruCut By CtD TruCut by CtD is a NEW sanding pad developed for bowling balls. Click here for a quick explanation of this product. Click here to learn how to use TruCut by CtD Click here to learn how to clean TruCut by CtD The retail price is $5.95 for one pad. If you are looking for a deal on the pads you should look at the three pack combo pricing or higher. TruCut by CtD has four main advantages compared to the competition. The grit on the pad is what it cuts a bowling ball Most other...
One Year of Creating the Difference
Posted by Ronald Hickland on
May 8th, 2015 was a special day. It was the day my partner and I decided to start Creating The Difference. Our Mission is to inspire people to identify and reach their passion through coaching, education, mentoring, and motivating so they can unlock their potential and create a difference. We are an innovative company who is able to see when change is needed and come up with creative solutions to help. Since bowling had played such an important role in my career, I wanted a way to give back to the sport. My partner and I designed some services to...
What in the world is "That Purple Stuff"???
Posted by Ronald Hickland on
One of the best parts of being an engineer is knowing how to develop products. Being able to assemble a team with the right kind of talent accelerates bringing products to market. Our goal at Creating The Difference is to improve bowler education. We had an idea for a book called The Tournament Mindset. That led us to develop a backpack with supplies to help bowlers perform better. One of the products we included was a bowling ball cleaner. So we decided to build our own. We had 3 main goals when developing the cleaner Build a cleaner that...